Exporting EPM Planning Data to a File

For this blog we will be covering a common use case of exporting data from an EPM application to a file, for upload to a third-party system. Luckily for us, it is possible to export data from EPM Planning using the “Data Export to File” functionality in Data Integration. Here I will detail how to set this up, and some key settings to look out for. First, we need to setup a new Application, using the Action menu in Data Integration, and select Category Data Export and type Data Export to File . Next, upload a text file containing the required column headings and save. For example, I have created a file named Generic_Export.txt with 11 comma delimited columns, as below: This will create an application with the name of the file, which will be our target for the integration, containing all the columns listed in the file. Note: columns can be added manually later if needed! Now we can setup the integration, with our Planning application as the Source and the file fo...