Customising EPM File Exports with Groovy

For this blog we will be covering a common use case of exporting data from an EPM application to a file, for upload to a third-party system.

While it is possible to export data from EPM Planning using the “Data Export to File” functionality in Data Integration, the formatting options available are quite limited and typically would require some manual file manipulation before it can be uploaded. This is where groovy comes in!

In fact, to get the best of both worlds, we will be using a combination of both Data Integration AND groovy scripting, to produce a highly customised file format. This allows us to utilise the powerful mapping capabilities of Data Integration, as well as the file manipulation of groovy rules.

Step 1 – Export to File in Data Integration

For the first step, we will use the built in functionality to export data to a file. For details of how to do this, please refer to my previous blog here:

Step 2 – Apply groovy to customise the format

The second step will use groovy scripting within a business rule to pick up the csv file produced by step 1 (e.g. ExportRaw.csv) and apply the required changes to the file format.

Firstly, we need pick up the file and read each line into a map for referencing later:

    List<String[]> CSVRows = []

    csvIterator('ExportRaw.csv',",").withCloseable(){ reader ->

       reader.each { String[] values ->

          CSVRows << values



From here, we can reference the existing rows using this map and setup a NewCSV rows map to manipulate the existing rows into a new format.

In this example, the formats are below:

·         Existing Row format (6 columns) = Period, Years, Account, Site, Brand, Amount

·         New Row format (8 columns) = Period, Account Code, Name, Site / Branch Analysis Code, Description, Brand / Concept Analysis Code, Description, Base Amount

Note: the maps are 0 based start, so to reference the first field we use [0]. For example, to reference the first column (period dimension) in the new row format, we use NewRow[0].

The next bit of code will pick up each line of the existing csv format (referenced using ExistingRow) and transform it into the new file csv format.

    Integer RowCount = 1

    Integer NewRowCount = 1

    List<String[]> NewCSVRows = []

    CSVRows.each{ExistingRow ->

    if(RowCount == 1){RowCount = RowCount + 1}


    String[] NewRow = ["","","","","","","",""]

This section is an example where we can customise the Period formatting. In the new file, we need the period to be in format ‘2025/001’ for January, for example. To do this, we pick up ExistingRow[0] (Period column) and then use a combination of ExistingRow[1] (Year column) and the relevant suffix number.

    switch (ExistingRow[0]){

    case 'Jan': NewRow[0] = ExistingRow[1] + '/001'


    case 'Feb': NewRow[0] = ExistingRow[1] + '/002'


    case 'Mar': NewRow[0] = ExistingRow[1] + '/003'


    case 'Apr': NewRow[0] = ExistingRow[1] + '/004'


    case 'May': NewRow[0] = ExistingRow[1] + '/005'


    case 'Jun': NewRow[0] = ExistingRow[1] + '/006'


    case 'Jul': NewRow[0] = ExistingRow[1] + '/007'


    case 'Aug': NewRow[0] = ExistingRow[1] + '/008'


    case 'Sep': NewRow[0] = ExistingRow[1] + '/009'


    case 'Oct': NewRow[0] = ExistingRow[1] + '/010'


    case 'Nov': NewRow[0] = ExistingRow[1] + '/011'


    case 'Dec': NewRow[0] = ExistingRow[1] + '/012'



In the below few lines, we move some existing columns into the correct position in the new file. We also use groovy functions to find the member alias and add it to the relevant column:

    NewRow[1] = ExistingRow[2] /* Account */

    NewRow[2] = AccountDim.getMember('A'+ExistingRow[2]).getAlias('Default') /* Account Description */

    NewRow[3] = ExistingRow[3] /* Site Code */

    NewRow[4] = EntityDim.getMember(ExistingRow[3]).getAlias('Default') /* Site Description */

    NewRow[5] = ExistingRow[4] /* Brand Code */

    NewRow[6] = ProductDim.getMember(ExistingRow[4]).getAlias('Default') /* Brand Description */


    if(RowCount == 1){}

    else{NewCSVRows << NewRow}

    RowCount = RowCount + 1


Lastly, we can then output the rows into a new CSV using the csvwriter function, as below:

    csvWriter('NEW_Export.csv').withCloseable(){csv ->

        csv.writeNext("Period","Account Code","Name","Site / Branch Analysis Code","Description","Brand / Concept Analysis Code","Description","Base Amount")

        NewCSVRows.each{row ->





We can then find the final CSV file in the inbox/outbox area, under Overview.

Happy coding!


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