Using SQL to map Null values to Ignore in Data Management
Recently I have been attempting to map null entries to be ignored when importing data into FDMEE. This may sound like an easy thing to do, but if you have experimented much with FDMEE mappings, you’ll know that this isn’t as simple as just creating a mapping from ‘Null’ to ‘Ignore’. However, there is a way around this using a custom SQL mapping script to define your own mappings a nd this blog is here to show you how! Firstly, to access the ability to input a custom SQL mapping script, go to the ‘Between’, ‘In’ or ‘Like’ mappings tab (SQL mapping scripts are not available for Explicit or Multi-dimension mapping types). Add a new mapping and enter the Source Value and Rule Name . Then for the Target Value , enter either: #SQL to enable the SQL mapping script functionality #SCRIPT to enable the Jython mapping script functionality In the example below I have used a Like mapping on the Products dimension ( d ata t able c olu m n UD...