PBCS Audit Functionality is back!

As part of the October PBCS update, Oracle have re-introduced the ability to keep an audit of changes to your PBCS artefacts. This update is due to be applied to PBCS Test environments on Friday 6th October and to Production environments on Friday 20th October. The Audit tab was briefly removed to avoid confusion over access to the database tables, but after some re-work the functionality is back! To access the auditing section, open the ‘Application’ bundle and select the yellow ‘Audit’ icon: Note: If you are not using the default navigation flow, you may need to manually add the new Audit card to your custom navigation flow before it will be visible. Currently, the only artefact available for auditing is Data, which allows you to view any data changes submitted by users. The audit information includes the full data cell reference, the previous value, the new value, who made the change and when. The Auditing functionality must be enabled before any...