
Showing posts from 2023

Setting user variable default values using Groovy

Groovy is a standard scripting language which is available in EPM applications to allow dynamic customisation in multiple contexts around the system. The availability of groovy is dependent on the EPM licensing; groovy scripting is available for EPM Enterprise applications only. As with all coding languages, use of the documentation is key and Oracle have provided a brilliant scripting reference which can be found here: In this blog we will focus on setting user variable values using groovy. User variables are administered by individual users and can be used on forms to show only relevant information to the specific user. It is useful to set default values for users so that they can open forms which utilise the user variables, without having to manually set them first.   In the below example, we will be using groovy to set a default value for the MyRegion user variable, which is s...

The evolution of scheduling in EPM and why Pipeline’s have all the answers!

In the past, when data load jobs needed to be scheduled in EPM, there were two main options; Batches or EPM Automate scripts. Now however, there is a third option of the new Pipeline functionality which was released as part of the new Data Integration interface in June 2023. Pipelines are set to replace the existing Batch functionality currently available in Data Management, that will soon be decommissioned by Oracle. While it’s always exciting when Oracle release new functionality, it can be hard to keep up sometimes – this switch however is one that is definitely worth the effort! This blog will tell you all about the differences between the old Batch functionality, existing EPM Automate scripting and the new Pipelines, and why it’s worth making the switch to Pipelines as soon as possible. 1. Batches   Let’s start with Batches. If you’ve not used them before, Batches are defined and scheduled within data management and are a way to schedule a range of data management load ...

Latest EPM Features: Out with the old & in with the new!

As we all know, Oracle release new functionality every month as part of their monthly EPM patches, however what you may not know is that some of the old functionality will no longer be available soon and only the new features will be supported and enhanced going forward. While all these new features are exciting, sometimes it can be hard to keep up with the latest features alongside maintaining your existing application, which we totally understand. That’s why we recommend taking a pause to review the following areas in your system to ensure you’re utilising the latest functionality and not relying on any functionality that will soon be decommissioned: 1. Converting to the Redwood experience The Redwood experience is an appearance setting which enables the latest look and feel for EPM. While non-redwood themes such as Blue Sky are currently still available, there is a plan to discontinue non-redwood themes in EPM therefore it is highly recommended to switch over as soon as poss...